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Children and Young people (CYP)

Working with CYP (ages 4-18) requires an intuitive approach to therapy. 
Often sessions will run for slightly shorter periods of time due to focus and interaction. CYP sessions at Bay Counselling start at 30 minutes and an initial 6 session block is booked to allow the child to develop an understanding and comfortableness with both their therapist and the process of counselling.

An integrated approach to sessions is available and remains flexible. This involves gauging if the CYP feels comfortable talking, being creative, story telling and/or play. And this integration and flexibility remains each session.

Initial and follow up parent consultations are encouraged prior to and after ending sessions, to establish some background and assessment, and feed back necessary learnings in order to assist families to move forward. This is particularly relevant for children 4-10years and those with a diagnosis and/or learning difficulty.

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